Wednesday 18 May 2011


It seems that the Capulets have yet another death to mourn again. 3days ago, the 3 bodies of Juliet Capulet, her soon to be husband Paris, and the very Romeo Montague whom was exiled from Verona for the murder of Juliet's kinsman, were discovered in a tomb where a funeral procession was taking place. After further investigations, we have uncovered the truth; Romeo and Juliet were already married, and Juliet accepted Paris' hand in marriage, as a plan devised by Friar Laurence, good friend of Romeo. Juliet was to escape to Matua with her husband, who had been exiled from Verona by the prince.  Apperently, Juliet commit suicide, leading the wedding into a funeral, and when the distraught Romeo showed up at the tomb where her body laid, Paris( Juliet's fiance) drew his sword upon Romeo assuming Juliet died from the grief of Tybalt((Juliet's kinsman, whom Romeo murdered) death. When Paris layed slain on the ground, Romeo carried him into the tomb to lay him with Juliet. Then Romeo commit suicide. Traces of poison were found in his stomach. When we thought Juliet died by drinking poison, she was found with Romeo and Paris laying beside her, but she herself had a single stabwound. O, What woeful times!

13 Reasons Why; Media/ Book Promotion

Feel like nothing is ever working out?

Like everyone is against you and wants nothing to do with you?

As though no one will like you for who you are?

Like every boy that you talk to isn’t really talking to you because he likes you?

Like the only escape from this horrible thing called life, is to take it away from yourself?

Meet Hannah Baker. She took her own life 2 weeks ago,
but she’s not done with you yet.

She wants everyone to know why she did it, and what you did that caused her decision.

You’ll have to listen, because you will have no choice.
She has left 13 tapes on your doorstep.

One tape per person.

Finding these tapes with your name on them is NO honor,

It’s a way to keep you from forgetting your involvement in the death of an innocent.

Hannah Baker in :


Monday 16 May 2011

13 Reasons Why; Contemporary Relevance

13 Reasons Why; Contemporary Relevance

One of the majorly explored teen issues in the novel, “13 Reasons Why”, is Teen Suicide. Suicide among young adolescents has had an inclining percentage rate over the last decade.
Research has discovered that suicide in the #3 leading cause of death for youngsters ages 15-24.   

60% of all suicides in the U.S were committed by guns and firearms. Studies say that teens hoping to avoid causing physical pain to themselves have used/overdosed on pills(drugs). Girls have double the chance of considering suicide compared to boys. Girls have preferred methods such as pills and self-mutilation/cutting.

Warning signs that someone you know is suicidal;
-          substance abuse; drugs, alcohol
-          Withdrawal from family and friends
-          Declining rate in Academics; loses focus in school
-          Risk taking Behaviors
-          Giving away possessions
-          Changes in eating habits and sleeping patterns                                                           

To prevent a loved one or friend from committing suicide;
-Confront the person, listen to them, attentively listen without making judgments
-respect their privacy
-let them know you are available to help at all times
-respect their feelings, ask if there is anything you can do

Ways Suicide relates to the novel;
In the book, the main teen issue portrayed it Teen Suicide, the character Hannah Baker, has commit suicide a few weeks back, but that will not be the last time they have heard of her. This is because Hannah decided to record 13 different tapes about 13 people to explain to them how they were involved in her decision to take her life.

Hannah told those listening to her to not give up, and continue listening to the tapes. But then she said quote; “I’m sorry. I guess that’s an odd thing to say. Because isn’t that what I’m doing? Giving up?”

Hannah commit suicide without realizing how much pain she was causing for her family, friends, teachers, and especially Clay, whom was secretly in love with Hannah.

If you want to learn more information about teenage suicide or haven’t been feeling that great about your life and think that taking it away will be the only escape. Your wrong. There are people can help. People who are willing to listen and will never make judgments.
 This URL will lead you to a website that will give you information and statistics on Suicide and give you signs that describe a suicidal teenager.

13 Reasons Why; Questioning and Critical Thinking

13 Reasons why; Questioning and Critical thinking

Discussion Questions based on novel:
1)Why do you think author Jay Asher chose Hannah as the character who will commit suicide?
2)Other than her decision to commit suicide, what did you learn about Hannah?
3)If she was someone you knew in real life, would you think she had it in her to take her own life?
4)What do you think the author hoped to accomplish by Hannah creating the tapes?
5)Have you had a life changing realization after reading about the issues in this book? If so, explain.
6)What do you think Hannah is referring to when she said, quote;

“And then...well…certain thoughts began creeping around. Will I ever get control of my life? Will I always be shoved back and pushed around by those I trust?”

7) Why do you think author, Jay Asher, wrote the novel in the perspectives of two co-narrators; Hannah and Clay?
8) In your opinion, should Jay have included, not one, but several different teen issues into one story?
9) How do you think Asher wanted the event when Clay finally talks to Skye(at the very end of the book) rather than holding back like he did with Hannah to be interpreted?
10)In your opinion, what did the tape recordings Hannah created represent/portray?
 11) In the end, do you think Clay deserved to receive and pass on the tapes? Did he deserve the agonizing emotional pain Clay experienced as he listened to every single tape waiting for his name to pop up? If he did not, explain how receiving the tapes changed Clay.

Sunday 15 May 2011

13 Reasons Why; Most memorable moment

13 Reasons Why; Most memorable moment
Image source; ABCnews, Friday June 12, 2009.

In my opinion, the most memorable moment in the book, “ 13 reasons why” was when Clay discovered the hidden connection between an accident/death he witnessed and Hannah Baker, the girl with whom Clay was in love with.
      In the book, the tenth person on Hannah’s tapes of 13 Reasons,( Clay was #9) was a school friend of hers, Jenny Kurtz. The night of the party, Clay was leaving, he walked home and as he was crossing the apparently deserted street, two vehicles suddenly collided. Clay, acting on instinct, ran toward one of the cars which stank of burning metal and car exhaust fumes. There in the car wreckage he found a shaken, but otherwise uninjured, elderly man. The man was shouting for a phone because he was talking to his wife, moments before the collision, on his cell phone, which disappeared during the crash. He was distraught over his wife, who had a bad heart and will be worrying about him. He wanted to let her know he was okay. The man was hysterical crying, “I need to call her! I need to call my wife!”. A crowd soon gathered around the other vehicle wreckage, all Clay knew was that it had been a senior from his school, and was apparently in a worse shape than the elderly man. Although this, Clay continued to stay with the man because he wanted to make sure he was okay. Soon, the boy in the other car died. The elderly man had to live his life in grief and despair, seeing himself at fault for the death of an innocent person.

     What made this a memorable moment was the connection between this tragic event and Hannah Baker. That night, Hannah left the party a little later than Clay. She was offered a ride by a friend, Jenny Kurtz, who helped a slightly drunk Hannah into her Jeep. As they were driving, Jenny drove over the curb and had knocked over a Stop sign post. Hannah just realized how intoxicated Jenny was, and how having her drive around during the dark of night was clearly dangerous. She told Jenny to hand over her keys, and call the police to report the fallen sign-post. But rather than being smart, Jenny kicked Hannah out of the jeep and sped off, leaving Hannah to wander around lost looking for a pay phone. Later that night, an elderly man was driving out of town, speaking on the phone with his wife. At the same time, someone was trying to deliver his pizzas on time, and the elderly man turning collided with him. There was not a Stop sign on that corner that night. That night, one of the drivers died. By the time Hannah arrived at a gas station and made the call, it was too late, an accident happened. But Jenny Kurtz lived her life on without realizing that her foolish recklessness caused the death of an innocent school boy and the guilt Hannah and the elderly man had to live with for the rest of their lives.
Clay finally gained a understanding bond between Hannah when he heard the remorse and guilt in Hannah’s voice as she described how she felt when she realized she could have prevented the death of a person.  Clay felt for the elderly man and had a moment with Hannah after realizing that they were both hurting over the same incident, and this information helped Clay move on. I don’t think Hannah deserves to feel guilty for the death of the boy because she still did try to prevent Jenny from driving that night. She asked for Jenny’s cell phone hoping she could call and report the fallen sign post. But Jenny laughed at the idea and refused in fear of the call being traced. She told Jenny to hand over the keys, but she just kicked her out. I feel connected to this particular event in the book because there were hundreds of times when I felt I could have done more to prevent what happened in the future. I was able to relate to Hannah when she described how it would have been if she was able to take away Jenny’s keys, or steal her phone. Like her, I have asked myself similar questions. The fact that she attempted and at least tried to do something was wise. She grieved like it was all her fault. But it was not, it was the fault of Jenny Kurtz who still did not take responsibility for her actions. She even spent the whole night wandering until she found a pay phone.
    In conclusion, the most memorable moment in the book, “13 Reasons Why”, was when Clay finally understood Hannah and developed a deep bond with her that helped him move on from the connections they had in the death of an innocent person.

13 Reasons Why;Character Analysis + writing in role: Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker

 13 Reasons Why; Character Analysis + Writing in role :
    Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker

     “Hello, boys and girls. Hannah Baker here. I hope your ready, because I’m about to tell you the story of my life.” – page 7

       I was a junior in high school and was an only child living with my parents who were both busy store owners. But that was me before I took my own life. Although this, I didn’t just commit suicide without making sure certain people understood why I did it, and how they did their part in my death. I recorded 13 tapes; each tape about 1 person, describing their involvement in an event(s) that led up to my decision to commit suicide. I was the new girl in town, just before freshman year. I was once voted best ass in freshman class, and let me tell you, its nothing to be proud of at all. Through out the years, the people I called my “friends” described me as a courageous, brainy, pretty, and honest girl. Little did they know about how one event led to another, or one rumor that led to an unwanted snowball effect.  I wanted the 13 people to realize that every single thing they do affects someone else, in ways they never imagined or even knew. That is what I hoped to accomplish with these tapes.

“The rules are pretty simple. There are only two. Rule number one; you listen. Number two; you pass it on. Hopefully neither will be easy for you.” –page 8

   When I discovered the connections between all of those on the tapes, I was more hurt than shocked. All coming together during one night.  The night of the party.

“A string connecting all your stories, that party would be where everything knots up. And that knot keeps growing and growing, getting more and more tangled, dragging the rest of your stories into it.”
–page 239

    Hi everyone, my name is Clayton Jensen, but everyone calls me Clay.
I am currently a junior in high school, and I take my academics pretty seriously. Doesn’t mean I’m a zombie without a social life, I just prefer to put the studies first. You know what I mean. One night I went to a party, I could read the expressions on their faces when they saw me, “What? Clay Jensen at a party? Unheard of.”

“ I study on weekends. In most of my classes, we’re tested every Monday. Its not my fault.” – page 203

     If you were to ask anyone what they think of me,( I did once), they’d say good natured, nice, easy going, a great listener, and really smart. I’m not being arrogant, just honest. You cant blame me to aim for next year’s Valedictorian. If there was one person in the past I wish I could talk to and get to know, it would be Hannah Baker. I did know her at one point, but once we were finally talking, she started pushing me away. Then before I could try again, she took her own life.

It was wonderful. I couldn’t believe Hannah and I were finally talking. Really talking. And I did not want it to stop. I loved talking with you, Hannah.” –page 210

 My whole time knowing Hannah Baker, I’ve always ignored the rumors and refused to hear the words others  had said about her. I’ve always wanted to know the real Hannah Baker. I cried when I heard what had happened to her. I am not afraid to admit it.

“We didn’t get a chance [to really ask “Who are you”] because I was afraid. Afraid I had no chance with you.” –page 207

  I was afraid because, what if I finally got to know you, and you turned out just like they said. I couldn’t handle that. I really loved Hannah, when I heard she worked at the Historic Crestmont Cinema, I applied. Hannah was the one and only reason I wanted that job. We talked from time to time, but often it felt as though we had a glass wall between, preventing us from understanding one another. I longed for the day the wall shattered.

13 Reasons Why; First Impressions Journal

         13 Reasons Why; First Impressions Journal

       When I first read the book, “13 Reasons Why”, by Jay Asher, I was very surprised by the deep meaning behind the characters, setting, and subject matter. The co-narrators are Clay Jensen and Hannah Baker. Clay struck me as a very intellectual, hard working, good-natured high school junior. Asher portrayed Clay as though he was very sensitive, and preferred to keep out of trouble. I saw Clay as the type of boy who stayed loyal to you no matter what the situation and never made judgments towards others unless actually knowing them. Clay was willing to hear anyone out when they needed someone to talk to. For example, Clay listened to Hannah about the simplest things, but both claimed that they finally got to know and understand each other at the night of the party.

     Jay Asher’s other co-narrator was Hannah Baker, Clay’s classmate who had commit suicide a few weeks back. In my opinion , Asher portrayed Hannah as a very independent, strong-headed, open-minded girl, who had great way with words. And she knew this because it led to the creation of the 13 tapes she recorded before her planned suicide. Hannah was slightly overwhelmed and nervous because she had just moved to town before the start of freshman year. She was worried like every other “new kid in town” would be, about meeting new people and making friends. When reading on in the book, I got to know so much more about Hannah. I was surprised to find out how easily she was accepting the fact that she wanted to commit suicide and understood how it may affect the life of her family and friends.

     For this story, author Jay Asher created a fictional place; Historic Crestmont Business District.  I identified it as a quiet, strictly middle-class, and uneventful, small town. The town seemed modest with its small population but this explained how fast the word and gossip spreads around town like wildfire. I understood why Jay Asher has recognized this as the perfect setting for, “13 Reasons Why”. This is because when Hannah talked about hanging outside of school, the same rumors and gossipers followed her there. Hannah talked about how innocent her town seemed, but that you cannot believe what only the human eye can see.

   Finally, the subject matter in this book impacted me in a way no other novel or book has before. When reading the book I realized that the reader must be mature enough to handle the subjective content and mature enough to empathize those who are hurting emotionally in the story. I was able to understand exactly what was causing several things and how people were to be affected later on in the book.

    In conclusion, the book 13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher, had me reflecting on how the different characters, settings, and subject matter impacted me enough to describe the first impressions I had.  

Tuesday 10 May 2011

English Poetry Anthology

Sherine Kanaga; Poets Galore

1) I know of a man...
I know of a man named Charlie Sheen,
Who is oh, so very rude and mean,
Often times high on dope.
Bet he's even made fun of the Pope.
Always acting like a "winning" teen.

2) A pretty tomato

There once was a tomato so pretty,
She lived in a spoiled city.
She was so shiny and round,
Adopts carrots from the pound.
And found that it was very witty.


Tiny, soft white snowflakes,
are falling delicately
first sign of winter

Rain is falling in,
sychronizing harmony
soon the flowers bloom

Sofy dewey petals
like a rainbow of colour
Gods greatest creations

Night sky
Up in the dark sky
the moon is outshining all
it is dark divine

Sestet;  Marine
There once was a girl named Marine
Her teeth were yellow and green
She smelled of oil and gasoline
She was pretty as a flower
She needed to take a shower.
She had always failed in school,
Because she acted like a fool.

Sound devices;
Euphony: the smooth silk felt wonderful to my touch
Onomatopeia: Every morning I could feel the soft humming of singing birds outside my window.
Analogy:His eyes glittered as bright as the stars and the darkest night sky.
Personification:the classroom clock mocked me as it ticked.
Oxymoron: I broke in to a cold sweat as a felt the sensation of being able to fly.
Similie: The speed at which she ran was like one of a gazelle's

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Romeo and Juliet Newsreport

       Last week Monday there was yet another quarrel between the Montague and Capulet family. Tybalt of the Capulets seemed to be  provoked by  Mercutio. Soon enough a duel broke out and ended as Mercutio was laying slain on the ground of the central square of Verona. Romeo, close friend of Mercutio, whom was trying to interfere and reconcile, but failed until Tybalt arrived once again, drawing his sword and mocking Romeo with the defeat of Mercutio. Romeo drew his own and then layed the slain and defeated Tybalt. Benvolio, also good friend of Romeo and the deceased Mercutio, claimed, quote, "Tybalt, here slain, whom Romeo's hand did slay".
The prince, who shortly arrived after the death of Tybalt and Mercutio, declared Romeo guilty for 2 counts of 2nd degree murder, and exiled him from all of town, claiming his death if he were to enter Verona again. 

             photograph credits:, 2008